Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd.
About Trademark

Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd was started in October 2003 and has focused primarily in the mining industry for a large used mobile equipment.

Trademark has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry. The involvement in the industry over 40 years has allowed company to develop many worldwide contacts in over 85 countries. This is the unique edge and advantage of the company.

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Industry Outlook

  • The used equipment mining market will continue to be strong for at least 10 more years and is not as dependant on commodity prices as is new equipment.
  • The industry is expected to grow by 4.2% in copper, 3.9% in coal, 5.3% in gold and 3-4 % approximately for other base metals.
  • The main reason for this is continued high demand from emerging economies.
  • With the high cost of new equipment and the acute shortage of new and used equipment, any mines that are now in the replacement phase, we are finding a ready market for their used equipment from small to mid-tier companies that are focused on shorter term projects that have a mine life of 10 years or less.
  • Additionally mining contractors typically have term projects that last 1 -3 years so there is a steady stream of quality used equipment available.
  • Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd has a good relationship with these people and can promptly figure out their purchasing needs.