Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd.
About Trademark

Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd was started in October 2003 and has focused primarily in the mining industry for a large used mobile equipment.

Trademark has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry. The involvement in the industry over 40 years has allowed company to develop many worldwide contacts in over 85 countries. This is the unique edge and advantage of the company.

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Storage of Resources

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Product Packaging

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Goods Distribution

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Storage of Resources

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Product Packaging

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Goods Distribution

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Purchase Process and Buying Criteria


  • The principal reasons why mining and contracting companies would purchase from us is price (low overhead) and availability of quality products they need in a short period of time.
  • Equipment remarketers must know who has what for sale at what price, location and ease of transportation and delivery to its customers.

Description of Products and Services


  • Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd will continue to provide sound advice and expertise by offering hands on experience through thorough physical inspections of all equipment to ensure quality of product
  • Allow the customer peace of mind without having to always travel and view the equipment.
  • Martens 30 plus years’ experience has taught him where to look for troubled areas that can be costly to the customer and able to determine cost effective market value both in the wholesale and retail markets.
  • Experience and creditability in this industry is only gained from working many years in the business and by “doing what you say you are going to do and completing it”.
  • The mining companies can focus on what they do best which is mining their particular product, marketing it to their customers, maximizing all their resources (human, equipment, etc.) and take advantage of current metal prices while allowing Mr. Martens to be their go to source to search for and deliver quality equipment in a confident manner to his clients.


Please contact us for our latest equipment, parts and component, and tire inventories.

Key Features of the Products and Services


  • Extensive experience in evaluating surplus parts and components inventories.
  • Purchase of unused and used inventories (parts and components), tires, shovel and excavator buckets.
  • Our key features and market advantages is that Terry Martens guiding Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd to maximize proficiency in the mining industry field.
  • Customers willingly purchase from Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd because of their reputation of delivering quality product on time and as reported and/or inspected.
  • Trademark’s Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd services include:
    1. Ability to travel to where the equipment is in the world
    2. On-site inspection
    3. Evaluate equipment condition
    4. Determine market value
    5. Organize teardown
    6. Trucking to a seaport and overseas shipping
    7. In country trucking to customers site
    8. When required reassemble the equipment at the customer mine site.
  • This has proven as a key advantage over the majority of competitors.
  • Many of the large competitors of Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd are too big and diverse to give this personalized service.
  • These big companies often have inexperienced personnel to deal with the many levels of management both on the buying and selling side.
  • As stated Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd will only focus on proficient work and services.

Production of Products and Services


  • Terry Martens is dedicated full time to Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd
  • He has numerous key contacts that have been cultivated over his 30 plus years in the industry.
  • Additionally, Terry’s experience allows him to know where to search for the exact answer or more information on a product or current market conditions.
  • Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd uses a variety of experienced sub-contractors when required to complete the job however unique it may be.
  • Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd’s focus has been and will continue to be very flexible to customer’s unique needs and requests thus allowing us to be much more agile than our bigger competitors.
  • The mining industry can change quite quickly depending on commodity prices which allows Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd the ability to change with customer needs.
  • We do not have a plan to grow into a large company that is not flexible like our competitors.
  • Small junior mining companies when starting up cannot always afford new equipment and it is very common for them to shop for 15-20 years old equipment that is more affordable. As they expand, this allows them to upgrade their fleet to more modern equipment.
  • Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd believes in staying close to its key customers through periodic visits and personal relationships as it has in the past.

Get Your Quote Now? Please Call: 1-604-619-1572