Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd.
About Trademark

Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd was started in October 2003 and has focused primarily in the mining industry for a large used mobile equipment.

Trademark has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the industry. The involvement in the industry over 40 years has allowed company to develop many worldwide contacts in over 85 countries. This is the unique edge and advantage of the company.

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Market Research

Research Findings
  • Worldwide estimates for used mobile mining equipment sales in 2021 are forecasted to be worth $8 billion USD approximately.
  • Sales of new equipment are estimated to be $100 billion USD.
  • The sources that we have used are industry and trade magazines, manufacturers’ current forecasts etc.
  • Additionally we have looked at past mining equipment purchasing trends as related to commodity prices for the copper, gold, silver, cobalt, nickel, platinum/palladium, uranium, moly, rare earth, lithium and coal markets.
  • Our current research on current 5 Major Manufacturer’s New Equipment Back Log which is currently out 6 to 24 months depending on which type of product/equipment and the manufacturer.
  • Being a Vancouver, Canada based company affords us the opportunity to talk with many start up Junior and mid-size mining companies and understand their future needs and forecasting as most have a very global reach with properties worldwide.
  • Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd plans to stay focused on the emerging mining market worldwide.
  • We continue to be in contact with worldwide sources where we can purchase used mining equipment.
  • Industry insiders that we have talked to and based on our own research feel that we are now entering a mining super cycle due to strong demand growth for metals and government focus on a greener world with EV vehicle demand ramping up putting pressure on lithium, sliver, copper and rare earth metals which will grow the backlog of new large mobile mining equipment from major manufactures.
  • Mid-tier and smaller mining companies tend to focus on shorter term projects sometimes with lower grades and life of mine volumes that the large mining conglomerates are not interested in. We believe that there will be some consolidation of mid-tier companies being purchased by the larger companies but there will always be room for the smart niche players.
  • There is a new trend by mining companies to re-look at previously closed mines due to this new super mining cycle and increase in commodity prices.
Size of Industry
  • According to 100,000 units of used equipment were sold worldwide last year for a value of $4 billion USD.
  • We continue to be niche players with a reputation for large mobile mining equipment and not be distracted in the construction equipment industry as there is many companies doing a good job in this industry.
  • The used equipment industry has grown tremendously in the past 20 years as owners and dealers have realized the value of used equipment.
  • Because of constraints put on new equipment dealers by manufacturers to sell their used inventory only in their territory, we work closely with them to help market these unsold inventories confidentially on a global basis as to where to dispose and source equipment.
  • Dealer friends like to use Trademark Heavy Equipment Sales Ltd as both a confidential source for both buying and selling equipment as their focus is mainly in their territory.